Star Wars: Remnants Wiki

Jedi are expected to learn elements of all seven forms of lightsaber combat, eventually choosing the one style that is best suited to their personality and combative styles. Sometimes this is chosen to represent the path they have chosen to follow in the Order, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi's choice to practice Soresu, and other times it is simply a manner in which to compensate for personal shortcomings, as in the case of Yoda's mastery of Ataru.

The Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat[]

Form I (Shii-Cho) is the simplest of the forms and is taught to all Jedi as Younglings. It includes the basic elements necessary to learn all six of the alternate forms, including practice drills known as velocities. It is sometimes called the 'Determination Form.'

Form II (Makashi) is the definition of lightsaber against lightsaber combat. Masters of this style are trained in unique attacks and defenses similar to those taught in modern fencing, specializing in protecting themselves against disarms and strikes aimed directly at their own weapons. It is sometimes called the 'Contention Form.'

Form III (Soresu) was designed as a defense against the common presence of blasters in the galaxy. It relies on close, efficient movements that create a minimal amount of targetable areas. This makes it an extremely capable defense and it has been said that no true master of Soresu has ever been defeated in physical combat. It is sometimes called the 'Resilience Form.'

Form IV (Ataru) is an acrobatic form, involving a mastery of using Force enhancement abilities. Often practitioners of this style are little more than colors and motion when engaged in combat.

Form V (Shien/Djem So), like Soresu, was designed as a defense against the growing presence of blasters in use in the galaxy. Unlike its counterpart, however, it is not strictly defensive. Practitioners are not only trained to block, but also to deflect blaster bolts backwards at their point of origin. In the Djem So variant, strength is the focus of the form. It is sometimes known as the 'Perseverance Form.'

Form VI (Niman/Jar'Kai) is a balancing of all six other forms strengths and weaknesses, allowing its user to fight with extreme skill without the necessity of overly strong, violent movements. In the Jar'Kai variant, this style is practiced with two lightsabers. It is sometimes known as the 'Moderation Form.'

Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad) relies on broader, more kinetic movements than Djem So, but is not as acrobatic as Ataru. It requires an intensity of emotion uncommon to Jedi fighting forms, the practioner seeming outwardly calm but in truth being on the verge of exploding. It is the most dangerous style, tempting even the best of Jedi towards the Dark Side due to the amount of emotion and enjoyment it requires the duelist to employ in the fight. Vaapad is a more complete version of this style, designed by Jedi Master Mace Windu. It is sometimes known as the 'Ferocity Form.'